On site


An overview of possible hotels and guesthouses can be found here.
Munich students will also organise couch surfing. If you are interested please send an Email to sofaboerse@ethnologie.lmu.de



During the conference there will be the possibility of childcare at the daycare centre “Die Münchner Kindl” at Marienplatz. The costs will be covered by the LMU. Please contact the GAA office for registration. Please fill out and send this form via email to geschaeftsstelle@dgska.de.


Conference party in “Bahnwärter Thiel”

The GAA conference party will take place on 27 July 2023 at the “Bahnwärter Thiel”.

Address: Tumblingerstraße 45, 80337 München
Website: https://www.bahnwaerterthiel.de/

To come to the conference party (Bahnwärther Thiel), you take the U3/U6 from the stop Unviersität to Odeonsplatz. From there a shuttle train will take you to Sendlinger Tor.

From Sendlinger Tor there is a bus service (Bus 62 I Rotkreutzplatz) that will take you to Tumblingerstraße.

From this stop you have only 100m to Bahnwärther Thiel.